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129 total results found

Delete invoice

ScheduleInterpreter configuration Invoices

ScheduleInterpreter® is using the term delete invoice instead of void the invoice. Invoice statu...

Docker container - fine tuning


Login as root Login to the VM using Google console docker ps will produce the list of container...

Retool Specimen Barcode Lookup and Create


I need to find the PID for a specimen! Select Check Barcode on the top option for the tool En...

Batch Upload Results


Batch Upload Results (To Patients via SMS / Email, to Dr.Chrono) Link: https://retool2.cityhealt...

Batch Linking Specimen Barcodes to Lab Barcodes

Retool Batch Link Barcodes for Retool

Specimen barcode is the barcode that was on the sample tube that arrives to the lab. In most inst...



Open retool - CityHealth COVID-19 On-Premise Sample Collection Tool Select Abbott Rapid Molecula...

Files structure

Site structure

JS files where you can find  the tools "files": { "bundle": { "frontend":{ "rev...

Data sources


Account URI Identifies from where the data will be streamed Navigate to data sources and find a...



General Navigate to the gear icon and select Configuration option Navigate to Preferences and...

Grafana installation


Install Docker (LINK) Install nginx (LINK) You have to upload the certs and place into /etc/ngi...

Control Center

Training Manual

Forms > Request New | Edit | Clone Schedule Cards View   Adding Tags Global & Appointmen...

Change of time option


Redesign for estimated time.  New requirements will be set through new options where each time pe...

Creating ssh user and ssh key


Creating storage structure In a terminal window, su to the root user (type su and then, when pro...

PIN code exchange


Code activation All subscribers of ScheduleInterpreter can activate set of PIN (authorization) c...

Financial dashboard


v bar us map heatmap Data source: paid invoices Approximation: 0.1 million USD 4 years +...

Dashboard layout

misc - reference for users

2022-06-16 notes and comments


Ability to send codes to effectiff.  Question: how much time is needed to activate the codes. ...

On the Spot!

Training Manual

Formatting not saving properly. Correct document lives in TEAMS under FILES - SI Training Chat O...

Communication Center

Training Manual

  System would not save properly, full document is in the FILE section of TEAMS - SI Training ...



Location query: nominatium Travel time and distance: openrouteservice, Docker version Map viewe...