Financial dashboard
v bar | us map | heatmap |
Data source: paid invoices Approximation: 0.1 million USD 4 years + YTD |
Data source: paid invoices Approximation: exact |
Busiest time of the day for getting new requests. Approximation: 5 mins |
Static chart | Dynamic chart - date selection | Dynamic chart - date selection |
tooltip Total company revenue for all interpreting and translation services in millions (USD). |
tooltip Review revenue by the state. Each circle represents relative revenue, the bigger the circle, the higher the revenue. Hover over the circle to see the exact amount. |
tooltip There are 24 columns, representing 24 hours in a day and 12 rows, representing 5 minute slots. The brighter the color, the more requests for services were received in that time slot. |
color single color for all bars |
color single color for all circles |
color less busy color more busy color |
selectors |
selectors Date |
selectors Branch |