MD Courts - expense report
Default rules
Provide option to select status of the assignment: completed, invoiced, filled (future)
- Report is available to super admins only
- End result is shared as an Excel file (export)
- Option to group/filter results
- Main/sub accounts
- Type of expenses - work hours, travel time, other expenses, etc.
- Language/service
- Interpreter
- Modality
- Selection
- Time period
- Entire state or group of courts
- Visual (dashboard)
- Period comparison (MoM, QoQ, YoY)
- 5-year depth
- Forecast
- Map of the state with circles % of all expenses
- Top 10: vendor, courts, language
Notes 2023-06-15
- Group languages by minimal language, for example Spanish and Spanish Certified should result in Spanish
- Add column counting number of events
- Add calculation for average number Total amount / Total appts
- Change time to decimals estimated and actual
- Group tolls
- Group travel time