Creating ssh user and ssh key

Creating storage structure

In a terminal window, su to the root user (type su and then, when prompted, type the root user password), and then issue the following two commands:

mkdir -p /si-data/_sftp
chmod 701 /si-data/_sftp
Add sFTP group

Create a group for SFTP users.

groupadd sftp_users
Add sFTP user(s)

Create a user that doesn’t have regular login privileges, but does belong to our newly created sftp_users group.

useradd -g sftp_users -d /x-change -s /sbin/nologin USERNAME

Where USERNAME is the name of the user.

All users must have random 10 character suffix for example bifiles_S6qQ4YzptQ Use this link for quick generation of the random string.

Create password (to be replaced with SSH key)

Create user environment

Create an upload directory, specific to the new user, and then give the directory the proper permissions.

mkdir -p /si-data/_sftp/USERNAME/x-change
chown -R root:sftp_users /si-data/_sftp/USERNAME
chown -R USERNAME:sftp_users /si-data/_sftp/USERNAME/x-change
Configure sFTP

Add to the bottom of the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file the following configuration options

Match Group sftp_users
    ChrootDirectory /si-data/_sftp/%u
    ForceCommand internal-sftp
    RSAAuthentication yes
    PubkeyAuthentication yes
    AuthorizedKeysFile /si-data/_sftp/%u/.ssh/authorized_keys

Restart SSH with the command:

systemctl restart sshd
Creating SSH key

Create a folder to store the key. 

mkdir /si-data/_sftp/USERNAME/.ssh
mkdir /si-data/_sftp/USERNAME/x-change/keys
chmod 700 /si-data/_sftp/USERNAME/.ssh

Create a key for a user

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "USERNAME"

Point to the keys folder /si-data/_sftp/USERNAME/x-change/keys/id_rsa

When key is generated, copy .pub key to .ssh folder as authorized_keys and apply corresponding ownership


chmod 644 /si-data/_sftp/USERNAME/.ssh/authorized_keys

Download and post private key in Engage.

Remove the keys folder from the server.

After confirmation from a client, remove key file from Engage.

Password use

chage -l USERNAME will show user password settings

chage -M -1 USERNAME will remove password restrictions