MD Courts - compliance and notifications

16 CEUs are measured by the date in the compliance center. 2 years period towards the date. There is a requirement to have 3 hours of ethics CEUs. Having 3 hours is mandatory for the court to even consider the profile for a review.


Only when vendor reached the 16(+) hours of CEUs staff members get the notification.

We need to have a separate entry point for ethics hours when new certification or training has been completed. Also, the ethics hours should have option to be requalified as regular hours by the court staff.

Expiration notice is no longer required.

Change in the process. E-mails are highly complex to maintain multiple due dates. Switching from message to report in the COMPLIANCE CENTER.


Review change of the profile message.  Specifically SSN/EIN. Submit a copy when done.

Notes 2023-05-09

No vendors who were deactivated

Old items are kept in the report.

Ability to apply compliance item to other compliance period. Add UI option to allow admin to select which compliance date the item should apply to.

Split General and Ethics.

In the report have an option to apply to a different period. Provide option to apply to next, previous and one before.

Add option to "archive" items that were moved to the previous compliance periods.

Interpreters will have to submit general and ethics hours as 2 separate entries.

We need a pop-up to prompt for compliance e-mail for a vendor and change the due date by the number of years from the compliance profiles settings.

Deactivation e-mail.

Notes 2023-05-18

Vendor status needs to be audited and recorded in the profile.

Deactivated/activated/suspended reason.

E-mail for deactivation should offer plain text entry.

Option for silent activation/deactivation/suspension.

Vendor profile report (audit) provide profile status and related details (user, reason, message).

Notes 2023-05-30

Add option to include pending CEUs

Emails to go out on May 30, 2023 at 8:00 pm

Vaccination is not showing correct document (most likely wrong classification)

Date of import for vendors instead of blank account created.

Notes 2023-06-01

Deficit of the CEUs to be added to the next compliance due date

Add the extension of the compliance period - number of dates 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180 days

Create report that indicates vendors with extensions and their current status how many CEUs they have

Add diagram to show number of CEUs for each previous and upcoming compliance period

Plain English report offering all docs with their CEUs and status

Notes 2023-06-05

Keep custom message option for change of recurrent compliance. When change of the date occurs, ask to provide new message and send it to the vendor.