Control Center

Forms > Request New | Edit | Clone


Schedule Cards View




Adding Tags Global & Appointment Q-Tags



System would not save properly, full document is in the FILE section of TEAMS - SI Training Chat


Forms > Login/Log Out

                Text vendors/clients see when they log into SI portal


Forms > Request New | Edit | Clone


Schedule Cards View

 Adding Tags Global & Appointment Q-Tags


Account Settings

                Global Locations (where you add new locations)


Staff Members

                                Where you would add/edit/inactivate/internal staff members profiles

Be sure to apply correct employee settings and select “active” if it’s a new employee

Assign appropriate calendar type

Note: In order to save the password you must select “set password” for “save changes” does not save password details.  

Lists > Assignment Categories: (TERM: Assignment Categories = Calendar Type)







List > Assignment Class: (TERM: Assignment Class = Assignment Type | i.e., Deposition, Arbitration, etc.)

Note: each class needs to be connected to a category (each assignment type needs to be assigned to a calendar type, therefore you will have Deposition Spanish Legal, Deposition OOS, Deposition Exotic).

Consumer: (Term: Consumers = job title of the individual ordering the services – i.e. Attorney, Scheduler, Secretary)

Account Types: (i.e. Law Firm, Court Reporter Firm, School District, etc.)


Services: (TERM: Services=Languages)