Delete invoice

ScheduleInterpreter® is using the term delete invoice instead of void the invoice.

Invoice status

After invoice is created it is placed into Outgoing invoices section and can be located by navigating to ACCOUNTING > INVOICES > Outgoing invoices.


All invoices in Outgoing invoices section are ready to be sent to the customers and have status Not sent.

All invoice in the Outgoing invoices section can be automatically processed by ScheduleInterpreter® and sent via e-mail to the customers.

ScheduleInterpreter® provides option to print invoice for sending it using regular mail services. After invoice is printed it can be marked as processed using gear icon and mark as processed button.


Invoices marked as processed will remain on the screen until the screen is refreshed. They will also appear in the Invoice history section

Delete invoice in Outgoing invoices

While invoice is in the Outgoing invoices section and is not flagged as processed, a delete button can be used to delete the invoice.

When invoice is marked as processed, a new button not processed is added to prevent deleting invoice that has been prepared for being sent to the customer. Before deleing invoice, click on not processed button. Confirm you want to revert the status of the invoice. After the change of status, ScheduleInterpreter® will enable delete button to remove the invoice.

Delete invoice using find invoice

Navigate to ACCOUNTING and select Find invoice button

Use one of the tabs to locate the invoice you would like to delete. If invoice have not been sent to the customer, use delete button to remove the invoice.


If invoice has been sent electronically or is prepared to be sent via regular mail, use not processed button to change its status.


After change of status, the delete button will be added.

Delete invoice using invoice history

Navigate to ACCOUNTING > INVOICES > Invoice history

Using calendar selector define the time period and click on search button.


When invoices are listed, locate the row with corresponding invoice.

If invoice have not been sent to the customer, use delete button to remove the invoice.


If invoice has been sent electronically or is prepared to be sent via regular mail, use not processed button to change its status.


After change of status, the delete button will be added.