Automated data import

For integration and consolidation of the information, third party data file can be automatically uploaded to ScheduleInterpreter® portal, or scheduled, and fully automated download process, can be configured.

ScheduleInterpreter preferred format is JSON, tabular files with TAB character separating the data fields is the second best option. CSV files are also accepted when other two formats can't be utilized.

Event key
	"event": [{
		"id": 123,
		"description": "Surgery follow up",
		"bill_code": 123456,
		"vendor_id": "15469ABC",
		"vendor_country_code": "US",
		"type": "phone",
		"bill_time": {
			"primary": "00:26:00",
			"secondary": "00:21:00"
		"service": {
			"id": 14,
			"name": "Spanish"
		"incoming": {
			"start": {
				"date": "2021-01-01",
				"time": "11:01:59"
			"end": {
				"date": "2021-01-01",
				"time": "11:27:36"
		"responding": {
			"start": {
				"date": "2021-01-01",
				"time": "11:02:15"
			"end": {
				"date": "2021-01-01",
				"time": "11:27:38"
		"outgoing": {
			"start": {
				"date": "2021-01-01",
				"time": "11:06:14"
			"end": {
				"date": "2021-01-01",
				"time": "11:26:19"
		"consumer": {
			"first_name": "John",
			"last_name": "Doe",
			"dob": "1985-10-10"
		"requester": {
			"first_name": "Jane",
			"last_name": "Doe"

The following event keys are available

Key Description Type
id ID assigned to a service call by the third party provider. integer
type Type of event: phone|video string
description Description of the event optional string
bill_code Code assigned to a caller's account.  Used for authentication. integer
bill_time Billable time details dictionary
service Reference information for the type of service provided dictionary
incoming Connection time details of the calling party (client) dictionary
responding Connection time details of the responding party (vendor) dictionary
outgoing Connection time details of the outgoing call (3rd party) dictionary
consumer Details of a consumer using the services dictionary
requester Details of a requester/provider dictionary
vendor_id ID assigned to a vendor by the third party provider string
vendor_country_code Two letter ISO country code where vendor is located string
Bill time key

Bill time service key provides billable time details. Bill time is a level 3 key.

Key Description Type
primary Total billable time in HH:MM:SS format time
secondary Total billable time in HH:MM:SS format. Used when 3rd party is joining the call  optional time
Service key

Service key provides details about the service provided. Service is a level 3 key.

Key Description Type
name Name of the service provided string
id Id of the service provided. Often used in the selectin menu optional integer
Start/end keys

Start and end keys provide date and time when each party joined and disconnected the call. Start and end are level 3 keys.

Key Description Type
start Contains date and time a party joined the event. dictionary
end Contains date and time a party left the event. When not provided, event is consider in-progress. dictionary
Particpating party keys

Participating party keys contain information about participants of the events. Start and end are level 3 keys.

Key Description Type
first_name First name of the participant optional string
last_name Last name of the participant optional dictionary
dob Date of birth of the participant in YYYY-MM-DD format optional date

All times must be provided in the time zone of the clients' headquarters, unless specified otherwise.

Best practices

To ensure accuracy and reliability of the data transfer, ScheduleInterpreter® recommends to include last 24 hours of the calls in the data file. Compression of the files is recommended using zip or gz formats. 250 calls compressed in either format should account to approximately 10Kb of data.

Access codes

To enable fully automated customer account activation for over the phone services, ScheduleInterpreter® is using preset blocks of access codes, also referred as authorization pin.  The access codes can have various length and are generated by the service provider.  The file format is plain text with each code separated by the comma. The file containing the codes is named code_bank.csv and can contain unlimited number of preapproved codes. 

The codes should be protected and not to be disclosed as they enable authorized access to the services, regardless of their account association.

Naming convention

ScheduleInterpreter® follows strict naming convention to operate data imports. File containing the json data should be named as data.json. Container, containing data.json file, should be named or data.gz. Unless specified, there should be no additional files inside or data.gz container.

File and folder structure

All accounts' and access code data is stored using the following file structure. A non-functioning codes are used for demonstration purpose only.