Increasing pool of vendors for remote services
ScheduleInterpreter® platform offers fully automated vendor vetting process. As vendor selection is completed, groups of vendors are formed and notifications about new assignments are being sent out via enabled channels (e-mail, push notifications and others). This also enables vendors to access information associated with requests they were approved for.
All new assignments communication within ScheduleInterpreter® platform can be configured using multiple settings. Some of the settings affecting communication are accessible in several areas: COMMUNICATION CENTER, VENDOR CENTER, ACCOUNT CENTER and CONTROL CENTER.
The sample diagram below outlines advanced settings for an enterprise account with multiple branches, tags and proximity settings. The diagram demonstrates principles of automated vetting for on-site services, also referred as in-person or face-to-face.
The vetting process can have additional restrictions to improve compliance and address specific requirements of individual accounts or departments.
Remote services, provided using ScheduleInterpreter® JustOPI or ScheduleInterpreter® VDO, can utilize resources from any branch and at any distance from the location of the assignment. In addition to built-in delivery options, utilization of 3rd party conference platforms is possible. Such platforms may include Microsoft Teams, GoTo Meeting and others.
Preparing for less restrictions for remote services
Start by carefully planning what group of vendors should be able to fulfill remote assignments. It is possible to restrict proximity of the vendor as well as the branch, the vendor belongs to. Combining these two options provides necessary flexibility for most cases.
Removing restrictions for remote services
Navigate to Tools and settings > Control center > Communication > Assignments
To allow vendors from all branches to provide remote services, check ignore branch for remote services option.
To allow vendors at any location to provide remote services, check ignore proximity for remote services option.
When both options are activated, the automated process of selecting a vendors will only be restricted by Tags and Q-tags, resulting in increased number of vendors for remote services. Other screening processes will continue to operate as configured, helping to ensure compliance and meeting requirements of the clients.