Automated data export v1.3

For integration and consolidation of the information, ScheduleInterpreter® data file can be automatically uploaded to a secure FTP server on a daily basis or on-demand.

This is a DRAFT proposal

Data structure

All information is exported in JSON structure.  Global scope of the data is defined by level one keys, for example, account or assignment. See sample structure below.

	"name": "Best Interpreters, Inc.",
	"start_date": "2020-01-01",
	"end_date": "2020-12-31",
	"account": [],
	"vendor": [],
	"invoice": [{
		"item": []
	"bill": [{
		"item": []
	"assignment": []

The following level one keys are available:

Key Description Type
name Name of the organization string
start_date Start date of transactions in the scope (invoice, payment, etc.) string
end_date End date of transactions in the scope (invoice, payment, etc.) string
account Customer accounts (full list is always retrieved) array
vendor new Vendors (full list is always retrieved) array
invoice Customer invoices within the scope array
bill new Vendor bill within the scope array
assignment All assignments within the scope array
Customer Invoice key

Invoice key contains details about all invoices stored in ScheduleInterpreter®. Invoice is a level 1 key. Below is a sample export code.

	"invoice": [{
		"id": 123,
		"date": {
			"effective": "2020-01-30",
			"created": "2020-02-02"
		"cost_center": {
			"id": 123,
			"name": "Cost center A"
		"account": {
			"id": 123,
			"name": "Smith and Smith, LLC"
		"user": {
			"name": "Jack Smith",
			"email": ""
		"terms": {
			"days": 30,
            "label": "Net 30"
		"po": "321458",
		"balance": 5987456.36,
		"due": "2020-03-02",
		"item": [{
			"line_id": 23,
			"description": "Interpreting",
			"service": {
				"source": "English",
				"tareget": "Spanish"
			"quantity": 1,
			"rate": 12.30,
			"total": 12.30,
			"assignment": {
				"id": 123

Key Description Type
id Unique ID assigned by ScheduleInterpreter® integer
date change Container for invoice dates dictionary
    created Date when invoice was created string
    effective Effective date of the invoice string
account change Container for account details dictionary
    id Unique customer ID assigned by ScheduleInterpreter® Integer
    name Customer account name string
user change Container for invoice recipient details dictionary
    name Name of the individual who received the invoice string
    email Name of the individual who received the invoice string
terms change Invoice payment terms string
    days Number of days integer
    label Invoice payment terms string
po Invoice purchase order string
balance Invoice balance real
due Date when invoice is due (always effective data + terms days) string
item List of items within the invoice array
Invoice item key

Invoice item key contains details about all items within a single invoice. Item is a level 2 key.

Key Description Type
line_id Unique ID assigned by ScheduleInterpreter® integer
description Description of the charge string
service new Assignment services dictionary
    source Source language string
    target Target language string
quantity Quantity of units billed real
rate Rate per unit real
total Total for the line of invoice real
assignment change Container for assignment details dictionary
    id Unique ID assigned by ScheduleInterpreter® integer

Only invoices created using assignment information can be exported.

Vendor bill key

Bill key contains details about all bills stored in ScheduleInterpreter®. Bill is a level 1 key. Below is a sample export code.

Vendor bill key is pending final approval

	"bill": [{
		"id": 123,
		"date": {
			"effective": "2020-01-30",
			"created": "2020-02-02"
		"vendor": {
			"id": 123,
			"name": "Mike Smith"
		"item": [{
			"line_id": 32,
			"description": "Interpreting",
			"service": {
				"source": "English",
				"tareget": "Spanish"
			"quantity": 1,
			"rate": 12.30,
			"total": 12.30,
			"assignment": {
				"id": 123

Key Description Type
id Unique ID assigned by ScheduleInterpreter® integer
date Container for invoice dates dictionary
    created Date when invoice was created string
    effective Effective date of the invoice string
vendor Container for vendor details dictionary
    id Unique customer ID assigned by ScheduleInterpreter® Integer
    name Customer account name string
item List of items within the invoice array
Bill item key

Bill item key contains details about all items within a single invoice. Item is a level 2 key.

Key Description Type
line_id Unique ID assigned by ScheduleInterpreter® integer
description Description of the charge string
service Assignment services dictionary
    source Source language string
    target Target language string
quantity Quantity of units billed real
rate Rate per unit real
total Total for the line of invoice real
assignment Container for assignment details dictionary
    id Unique ID assigned by ScheduleInterpreter® integer
Account key

Account key contains information about all customer accounts. Account is a level 1 key. Below is a sample export code.

	"account": [{
		"id": 123,
		"id_import": "A-123",
		"id_platform": "987-Z",
		"name": "Smith and Smith, LLC",
		"active": true,
		"address": [{
			"type": "primary",
			"street": "1212 Main Street, #444",
			"city": "New York",
			"state": "NY",
			"zip": "10000",
			"country": "us"
		"sub_account": [{
			"id": 321,
			"name": "East coast office",
			"active": true,
			"address": [{
				"type": "primary",
				"street": "100 Barkley Av.",
				"city": "San Francisco",
				"state": "CA",
				"zip": "90000",
				"country": "us"
Key Description Type
id Unique ID assigned by ScheduleInterpreter® integer
id_import ID assigned to account outside of ScheduleInterpreter® string
id_platform ID assigned to account outside of ScheduleInterpreter® string
name Name of the entity string
active Flag describing is account is active boolean
address Account addresses array
sub_account List of sub-accounts array

id_platform can be used in UI of ScheduleInterpreter® to list IDs from third party integration platform. Sample of such UI enhancement is shown below.


Account address key

Account address key contains address information. Account address is a level 2 key.

Key Description Type
type Type of entry. Currently only single value primary is supported string
street Street address including suite or unit string
city City string
state State, province or district string
zip Zip or postal code string
country Two letter country code string
Sub account key

Sub_account key contains information about a sub account and is part of the account key structure. Sub_account is a level 2 key

Key Description Type
id Unique ID assigned by ScheduleInterpreter® integer
name Name of the entity string
active Flag describing is account is active boolean
address Account addresses (see account address key) array
Sub account address key

Sub_account address key contains address information. Sub_account is a level 3 key, its structure is identical to account address key (see above).

Assignment key

Assignment key contains address information. Assignment is a level 1 key. Below is a sample export code.

	"assignment": [{
		"id": 123,
		"date": "2019-01-01",
		"time": "16:30:00",
		"modality": {
			"type": "osi"
		"time_zone": "+06:00:00",
		"service": {
			"source": "English",
			"target": "Spanish"
		"cancelled": false,
		"address": {
			"street": "1212 Main Street, #444",
			"city": "New York",
			"state": "NY",
			"zip": "10000",
			"country": "us"
Key Description Type
id Unique ID assigned by ScheduleInterpreter® integer
date Date of the assignment string
time Time of the assignment (24-hour format) string
modality Three letter code for modality of the service string
service Assignment services dictionary
cancelled Flag describing if assignment is cancelled boolean
address Location of the assignment dictionary

Modality supports only predefined keywords: osi, opi, vri, rsi and vis

Modality reference table
Keyword Description Type
osi On-site interpreting string
opi Over the phone interpreting string
vri Video remote interpreting string
rsi Remote simultaneous interpreting string
vis Virtual interpreting services string
Assignment service key

Assignment service key contains data related to the services provided during the assignment. Service is a level 3 key.

Key Description Type
source Source language of the assignment string
target Target language of the assignment string
Assignment address key

Assignment address key contains information about location.

Key Description Type
street Street address including suite or unit string
city City string
state State, province or district string
zip Zip or postal code string
country Two letter country code string
Vendor key

Account key contains information about all vendors. Vendor is a level 1 key. Below is a sample export code.

	"vendor": [{
		"id": 123,
		"first_name": "Jane",
		"last_name": "Doe",
		"deleted": false,
		"service": ["English", "Spanish"],
		"phone": [
		"address": [
				"street": "1212 Main Street, #444",
				"city": "New York",
				"state": "NY",
				"zip": "10000",
				"country": "US",
				"type": "business"
				"street": "Indian creek",
				"city": "Miami Beach",
				"state": "FL",
				"zip": "31640",
				"country": "US",
				"type": ""
Key Description Type
id Vendor ID assigned by ScheduleInterpreter integer
title Salutation string
first_name First name of the vendor string
last_name Last name of the vendor string
deleted Flag indicating status of the vendor boolean
email E-mail of the vendor string
Vendor address key

Vendor address key contains list of addresses associated with the vendor. Vendor address is a level 2 key.

Key Description Type
street Street portion of the address string
city City portion of the address string
state State or province portion of the address string
zip Zip code portion of the address string
country Two letter country code string
type Type of address string
Vendor service key

Vendor service key contains list of services. Vendor service is a level 2 key

Key Description Type
service Vendor services dictionary
Vendor phone key

Vendor phone key contains list of phone numbers. Vendor phone is a level 2 key.

Key Description Type
number Phone number string
type Type of phone number, for example, mobile string