Guide - Assigning Legal Interpreting Orders

1. Go to Order Control Center

Once an assignment is broadcast, move on to the Control Center of the order.



Tip: Another way to get to the Control Center is to click Assign Interpreter.


    • You will be the details tab open up. Review it before moving on to the next step.



2. Choose an Interpreter from Available Tab

Click the Available tab. 


    • This shows you the interpreters that are available, meet the criteria, and who responded to the broadcast that went out notifying them of the available assignment (i.e. Assignment Offer email).

      * Important * Be sure to check the profit margins to choose the best interpreter option. Profit margins should be above 40% and typically, the higher the better, while not compromising quality. In essence, it is better to choose someone who can provide a quality service (and has a good internal rating) than someone with a low rating even if the profit margin may be higher.



3. Assign Interpreter

Click "ASSIGN" to confirm your interpreter selection. 

    • Once you assign the interpreter, their name will be grey and there will be a red line on the left.

See the example:


* Once assigned, the interpreter will receive an assignment confirmation email *

4. Verify via Journal

Review the Journal to confirm that assignment paperwork was sent to interpreter you assigned.