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BJC EPIC data drop

Possible scenario is to limit data drop to 24 hours prior to the event. Each event must have a f...

MD Courts - expense report

Default rules Provide option to select status of the assignment: completed, invoiced, filled (fu...

MD Courts - compliance and notifications

16 CEUs are measured by the date in the compliance center. 2 years period towards the date. There...

User auth

Login POST: {URL}/auth/realms/{realm_id}/protocol/openid-connect/token Body type: "x-www-form-u...

Staff Member With Vendor Profile

Set up staff member with vendor profile Your staff members can have dual role in ScheduleInterpr...


Method Url Filters   GET /api/route startDate=YYYY-mm-dd endDate=YYYY-mm-dd accountId=[...

UI 2023

tableList component and its formation To calculate maximum height of the tableList Get top ed...

Files structure

JS files where you can find  the tools "files": { "bundle": { "frontend":{ "rev...

Tools and modules.

Internal tools: Theia: SQLPAD: https://data.scheduleinterp...

Special Rate

ScheduleInterpreter allows you to bill your clients and compensate your vendors at a special rate...

Security with Node.js and configuration file - use the cookie https://bestintepreters...

45 days release BPM

All events have to be monitored by date of completion or date of returned. Only the date is imp...


Location query: nominatium Travel time and distance: openrouteservice, Docker version Map viewe...


MapEditor URL: Tiles server URL: https://mapstiles...

Mini dashboard

Add a mini calendar into the control center to provide access to visual details of who is working...

GO LIVE Checklist

Task Completed ScheduleInterpreter Training Data Import                  Languages ...

24 Hour Samples


  Admin: Each user will have an api key/s. Hooks:


Proyect link: Endpoints:  URL = https://geoip.s...


Calendar: reSync(): Force refresh data. eventUpdate: this function will update the event/s //C...