JSON-based vendor import


To import vendors into ScheduleInterpreter® prepare information utilizing JSON-structured file, formatted using array of users and their corresponding information.

"_comment" key is always ignored during import.

	"user": {
		"_comment": "general user information",
		"fName": "Michael",
		"lName": "Smith",
		"userName": "michael.smith.123",
		"eMail": "michael.smith@gmail.com",
      	"si_id": "98765"
	"userContact": [{
			"_comment": "primary contact details",
			"street": "123 Main Street",
			"city": "Happy town",
			"state": "CA",
			"zip": "90210",
			"country_code": "US"
			"_comment": "secondary contact details",
			"street": "123 Main Street",
			"city": "Happy town",
			"state": "CA",
			"zip": "90210",
			"country_code": "US",
			"is_business": "1"
	"skills": [{
		"_comment": "user's skillset",
		"langauge": "English",
		"native": "1",
		"transExp": "10",
		"interpExp": "10"
	}, {
		"_comment": "user's skillset",
		"langauge": "Spanish",
		"native": "0",
		"transExp": "10",
		"interpExp": "10"
	"integration_code": [{
		"_comment": "user's codes in third party platforms",
		"platform_id": "2",
		"code": "12346",
		"field": "VENDOR_ID",
		"label": "Oracle Fusion user ID",
		"import_column": "18",
		"export_column": "23"
	}, {
		"_comment": "user's codes in third party platforms",
		"platform_id": "2",
		"code": "123 Main Street",
		"field": "VENDOR_SITE_CODE",
		"label": "Vendor site code",
		"import_column": "9",
		"export_column": "18"
Keys and data sections

 user  parent key contains general information

Key Description Type Mandatory
title User title (Mr., Mrs., etc.) String No
fName User first name String Yes
lName User last name String Yes
nickName User nickname String No
isBusiness Indicates user as a business Integer: 0 - no, 1 - yes No
bName Name of the business String No
name_qb Name of account for QB String No
occupation Position, title, occupation String No
userName User name used for login String Yes
eMail User e-mail address String Yes
registerDate Registration date Date: yyyy-mm-dd No
isW2 Indicates user is an employee Integer: 0 - no, 1 - yes No
comments Comments Text No
password User password (not encrypted) String No
dob Date of birth Date: yyyy-mm-dd No
skype Skype address String No
isVideo indicates if user provides video services Integer: 0 - no, 1 - yes No
isPhone indicates if user provides OPI services Integer: 0 - no, 1 - yes No
isConference indicates if user provides conference services Integer: 0 - no, 1 - yes No
branchID ID of the branch user belongs to Integer No
si_id ID assigned by ScheduleInterpreter Integer No

 si_id  key is required for update process.

 userContact  parent key contains up to two contact entries.  Using is_business flag, import process will configure and secondary address for a vendor.

Key Description Type Mandatory
street Street address String Yes
city City String Yes
state State String Yes
zip Postal code String Yes
country_code Country code String Yes
phAC Phone area code Integer No
phPref Phone prefix Integer No
phSuf Phone suffix Integer No
phExt Phone extension Integer No
cellAC Cell area code Integer No
cellPref Cell prefix Integer No
cellSuf Cell suffix Integer No
faxAC Fax area code Integer No
faxPref Fax prefix Integer No
faxSuf Fax suffix Integer No
intl_phone International phone number (office or landline) String No
intl_cell International cell phone String No
is_business Flags business (secondary) address Integer: 0 - no, 1 - yes No

 skills  parent key contains list of languages vendor can provide services in. Provide both, source and target languages. For example, vendor interpreting or translating from English into Spanish should have two entries.

Key Description Type Mandatory
language Name of the language String Yes
native Is native speaker of the language Integer: 0 - no, 1 - yes No
transExp Translation experience in years Integer No
interpExp Interpreting experience in years Integer No

 integration_code  parent key contains list of codes vendor is configured with in a third party platforms.

Key Description Type Mandatory
platform_id ID of the integration platform Integer Yes
code Code used in the third party platform String Yes
field Name of the field in the third party platform String Yes
label Human readable label of the field String No