Text messages
ScheduleInterpreter® offers delivery of notifications via text messages. Before you start, please complete process authorizing ScheduleInterpreter.com, Inc. to broadcast messages to your mobile device.
When you login to your profile using internet browser and organization you are working for is using ScheduleInterpreter® for delivery of notifications, you are prompted to select the option to ALLOW TO TEXT or DO NOT TEXT ME.
If you select DO NOT TEXT ME, you will proceed to your account.
Security steps to complete text message authorization
When ALLOW TO TEXT button is clicked, ScheduleInterpreter® will generate security code and send a text message containing the code to the mobile phone associated with your profile.
Open text application on your device and locate the message coming from 707.402.1440. Your authorization code will be listed in the message.
All notification will arrive from 707.402.1440 number.
Enter the pin into the confirmation pin field and click button to complete the activation process.