Import Configuration

Please convert Excel file to CSV before importing. 

Column Field MHMS Description
1 Time restriction (O) None Time to prevent ScheduleInterpreter to update assignments within the time period.
2 Default scheduler (M) Select one Person who will be used as a scheduler for all imported assignments.
3 Import format (M) This account only Format of the import.
4 Import ID (O)   Source of the account ID or code. 0 - ScheduleInterpreter code (account ID automatically assigned to BU), 1 - third party platform (import account ID). Default value: 0
5 Type of service (O)   Type of service requested for the event. OSI - on site interpreting, OPI - over the phone interpreting, VRI - video remote interpreting. Default value: OSI
6 On-site label (O)   Text used to identify the on-site services. When left blank, all services are imported as on-site.
7 OPI label (O)   Text used to identify the over the phone (OPI) services. For example: phone or call.
8 VRI label (O)   Text used to identify video remote interpreting (VRI). For example: video or telehealth.
9 Cancel (O) Status Column header used to indicate cancellation of the assignment.
10 Cancel label (O) Cancel Text used to indicate cancellation of the assignment.
11 Cancel time (O) 2 hours Time to allow ScheduleInterpreter to cancel assignments automatically.
12 Reschedule time (O) None Time to allow ScheduleInterpreter to reschedule assignments automatically.
13 Service (M) Language Target language the services will be provided in or native language of the consumer.
14 Reject unknown service (O) Check box if needed When checked, ScheduleInterpreter will only import services from the master list and reject unknown services.
15 Date (M) Appointment date Date when a linguist is needed. Column can contain date in any readable format. Column can contain date and time, however only date is extracted. Recommended format YYYY-MM-DD
16 Date Format (M) MM/DD/YYY Select how the date is formatted in your CSV file.
17 Time (M) Start time Time when a linguist is needed. Column can contain time in any readable format. Column can contain date and time, however only time is extracted. Recommended format is military time format HH:MM:SS
18 Time format (M) HH:MM:SS (18:45:00) Select how time is formatted in your CSV file.
19 Estimated Length (M) Estimated duration Estimated time of the event. When omitted, minimum time set per scheduling account is used. Recommended format is in minutes. Seconds and military time notation is acceptable.
20 Length format (M) minutes (10) Select how time is formatted in your CSV file.
21 Assignment type (O)   Column header indicating the type of assignment (Rush, Emergency, or Special)
22 PO Number (O)   Column header indicating the PO number associated with the account or service.
23 Description (O) Description Short description about event. Default value: Interpreting
24 Notes or Comments (O)   Column header indicating additional information about the event. All notes and comments are combined. This information is visible by linguist. 
25 Notes or Comments (O)   Column header indicating additional information about the event. All notes and comments are combined. This information is visible by linguist. 
26 Notes or Comments (O)   Column header indicating additional information about the event. All notes and comments are combined. This information is visible by linguist. 
27 Notes or Comments (O)   Column header indicating additional information about the event. All notes and comments are combined. This information is visible by linguist. 
28 Notes or Comments (O)   Column header indicating additional information about the event. All notes and comments are combined. This information is visible by linguist. 
29 Department (O) Department/Location Department where event takes place. Default value: none
30 Provider first name (O)   First name of the provider (of services), such as doctor, judge, care or social worker, etc. Default value: none
31 Provider last name (O)   Last name of the provider (of services), such as doctor, judge, care or social worker. Default value: none
32 Consumer first name (O)   First name of the consumer (needing the services of a linguist), such as patient, defendant, client, etc. Default value: none
33 Consumer last name (O) Patient Name Last name of the consumer (needing the services of a linguist), such as patient, defendant, client, etc. Default value: none
34 Consumer DOB (O)   Date of birth of the consumer (needing the services of a linguist). Column can contain date in any readable format. Recommended format YYYY-MM-DD
35 Consumer DOB format (O)   Select how consumer DOB is formatted in your CSV file.
36 Consumer gender(O)   Column header that indicates the consumer's gender.
37 Consumer male label (O)   Text used to identify gender as a male. For example: M or male.
38 Consumer female label (O)   Text used to identify gender as a female. For example: F and female.
39 Consumer unspecified gender label (O)   Text used to identify non-gender specific entry. For example: U or unspecified.
40 Vendor gender(O)   Column header that indicates the vendor's gender.
41 Vendor male label (O)   Text used to identify gender as a male. For example: M or male.
  Vendor female label (O)   Text used to identify gender as a female. For example: F and female.
42 Consumer Record ID (O) MRN Record ID associated with a consumer. MRN, case number, student ID, etc. Default value: none.
43 Street (O)   Street address where event takes place. Default value: account address.
44 City (O)   City where event takes place. Default value: account city.
45 State (O)   Two letter state where event takes place. Default value: account state.
46 Zip (O)   Zip code where event takes place. Default value: account zip code
47 Notifications (O) Check box if needed When checked, ScheduleInterpreter will send automatic notifications.
48 Prevent updates (O) Check box if needed When checked, ScheduleInterpreter will not update assignments in the system that were previously scheduled.